Studi kasus : Enukleasi bulbi pada kucing dengan suspek chlamydia dengan metode trans-palpebral

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Desty Apritya Fradika Cahya Faresy Michel Richard Sanjaya Amelia Yolanda Karolus Aurelius Sau Devy Merry Angelia Ni Made Dewi Lestari Muhammad Wahyu Prabowo Desty Apritya Ratna Widyawati Muhammad Noor Rahman


A domestic cat, named London, 1 year old, and female. Condition with red swollen eyes and white and watery membranes. The cat's right eyeball is covered with a white layer. The eyelids are swollen, red, and sticking out, making it difficult for the cat to open her eyes. The eyes emit a greenish-yellow discharge. Based on the blood examination, she had anemia caused by vitamin B12 deficiency. The action taken to treat this case is bulbar enucleation surgery using the Trans-Palpebrae (Closed) technique. Postoperative systemic therapy was given by giving Cefotaxime injection and Tolfedin injection, while for oral therapy using a combination of drugs: Amoxicillin, Cyproheptadine, Caviplex

cat, chlamydia, enukleasi, anemia
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