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Aldin Akbar Rahmatullah


This study aimed to prove the efficacy of Averrhoa bilimbi extract on histopathological changes in the duodenum of rats infected with Escherichia coli. It was a laboratory experimental study involving 30 male white rats aged 3 months, weight 250 g divided into six treatment groups: P0 (no E. coli induction + no Averrhoa bilimbi extract), P1 (E. coli induction + no Averrhoa bilimbi extract), and E. coli induction + various concentrations of Averrhoa bilimbi extract (20% in P2, 30% in P3, 50% in P4, and 60% in P5). All treatments lasted for 14 days. On the 15th day, necropsy was performed to collect duodenal tissues, which were then histologically examined using Hematoxylin-Eosin staining. Microscopic observations focused on detecting necrosis, inflammatory cell infiltration, and hemorrhage in the duodenal villi. Data were analyzed using the Kruskall-Wallis test, revealing significant differences between treatments (P < 0.05). The result show that the Averrhoa bilimbi extract did not demonstrate preventive effects against duodenal villi damage, including necrosis, inflammatory cell infiltration, and hemorrhage. In conclusion, the administration of Averrhoa bilimbi extract to rats infected with Escherichia coli did not show effectiveness in preserving the histopathological integrity of the duodenal small intestine in white rats.

Averrhoa bilimbi, Duodenum, Escherichia coli, Rattus norvegicus
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